
Lately, there seems to be an epidemic in the media of those who are identifying themselves as “transgender.”  Many feel that God made a mistake and trapped their true persona in the body of the opposite sex. Did God really make a mistake – or is Moral Relativism once again at the heart of the matter?

Some think that the way they feel is what determines their “reality”.  Unfortunately for them, their feelings are not what determines reality, but they won’t let facts get in the way.  I may “feel” that it is okay to kill somebody because they wronged me or I might steal something from somebody because they have more than I do.  The reality, however, is that these things are intrinsically wrong.

There are those who identify themselves as “transable”, rejecting their lives as able-bodied people in favor of life in a wheelchair or on crutches - even though there is nothing physically wrong with them.  For some reason, they are labeled as “weird” - but not the transgendered.  Where was the Liberal Left when the head of the NAACP in Spokane, WA was recently forced to resign because she was white?  She identified herself as an African American – just as many so-called transgendered people identify themselves as the opposite sex.   Why wasn’t her case defended with the same fervor as that of Bruce Jenner?  The simply answer is that it’s not their turn yet - but that day will come as long as we continue to sink further into the mud of moral relativism.

We live in a very narcissistic and self-centered society whose only rule it seems, is to do whatever makes us “feel better".  It’s a good thing for us that Moses and the Prophets and the Apostles didn’t feel that way.  They were persecuted or murdered for doing the will of God.  They surrendered their own collective wills in order to serve the Lord.

Why are people in our society being hailed as “heroic” for coming out of the closet while refusing to live their lives according to the will of Almighty God?  His Word is absolute truth – and it condemns all sexual immorality – from adultery and fornication to homosexuality and sexual perversion (Gen. 19:1-11, Leviticus 18:22, Lev. 20:13, Judges 19:16-24, 1 Kings 14:24, 1 Kings 15:12, 2 Kings 23:7, Rom. 1:18-32, 1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Tim. 1:8-10, Jude 7).  The Bible is clear about what is naturally ordered and what is disordered. Those who stand up against the evil of ISIS and Al Qaeda and are being martyred for it are heroes.  The men and women in our military who fight for our freedom are heroes.  Refusing to live according to the will of God doesn’t make you heroic.

The Karolinska Institute in Sweden performed a 30 year study on hundreds who underwent gender “reassignment” (sex change) surgery.  The study found that the suicide rate was 20 times greater than that of non-transgender people.  These people need our prayers - not surgery, just as our society as a whole needs God - not moral relativism. 

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