When we speak of the sinlessness and Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother, we sometimes hear the charge that nobody is sinless. After all, we’re told that Romans 3:10, 23 explicitly states: “There is no one righteous, not even one; For there is no distinction; all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God.” Is that so? How about babies or toddlers below the age of reason? What about those who are mentally challenged and may not have full use of their intellect and will? What about Jesus? St. Paul is speaking about those who trust in the Mosaic Law for their salvation.
In this passage, St. Paul is actually quoting Psalm 14, where it says, "The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God. They are corrupt...there is none that does good.’” Later in the same Psalm, we hear that “God is present in the company of the “righteous.”
St. Paul was using inclusive language. This would be similar to somebody saying that “everybody in town” came to the carnival last year. He is referring to the mass of mankind but God can and does make exceptions for anybody he wishes.
In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant was the vessel that carried symbols of the word of God. The Ark prefigured Mary, who was the Ark of the New Covenant and actually carried God in her womb. The first Ark was lined with pure gold and other pure materials and was blessed so as not to be defiled. It was not even to be touched for penalty of death. How much more pure and undefiled would Our Blessed Mother have to be to carry God incarnate within her?
In the Old Testament, Eve (a type of Mary) was created without sin. Mary is the New Eve and cannot be inferior to her Old Testament types because the New Creation in Christ begins with her.
The New Testament fulfillment is always more glorious than the Old Testament type.
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